One of my students asked me aloud if I smoked weed. I responded with a frown as I told her no. There was a look of disgust on my face for a couple of reasons. One reason because I strongly dislike the effects that marijuana usage has on our youth. The second reason is because I was truly disturbed at the fact that a student even fixed their mouths to ask. After I responded the way I did, the whole class erupted! They were upset with me because I said no and the way I said it. Again, I responded with disgust and I quickly understood that they were offended.
They quickly began to defend their reasons for smoking as much as they do (which is VERY often) by naming all of the benefits of marijuana and pointing out some of its medicinal purposes. I didn't disagree with any of what they were saying as it related to the plant, itself. But what bothered me was the idea that they were willing to take something that has natural healing properties to assist with natural healing purposes to justify their abuse of it. To be honest, most people who use marijuana are not using it for medical reasons. They are using it to get high. The worst part of this is that these avid marijuana abusers are minors.
I could not believe the audacity of them to be offended that I choose not to smoke. My question to myself was, how is saying no to drug abuse upsetting. Is this how far off we have become? In II Timothy 3:3 says in the last days, people will have no self-control and will hate everything good. What I have noticed is that everything that is right has become wrong and everything that is wrong has become right. In other words, evil is the new normal. The devil has begun to camouflage himself in normalcy. Even if smoking weed is a form of medical healing, we are not supposed to continue to medicate after the healing has taken place.
Even in relationships, we have allowed people to mistreat us for so long that we see what they do as normal. We accept bad behavior from others because we have dealt with it for so long that it is now normal. But just because we have made something normal does not mean that it is okay. We are not to confuse normal with acceptable. The enemy will get in the midst of what we call normal and cause us to lose focus on fighting the proper way or taking the appropriate stance against something. Sometimes we have been our own worst enemy by lying to ourselves about something that we know feels wrong but have forced ourselves to accept that wrong thing as a right thing.