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Run With It

Just a short year ago, I was still in school and very close to getting my master's degree. It was such a relief to be so close to the finish line, and because it was almost over, I had the momentum I needed to finish. However, in the very beginning, this was not the case. As a matter of fact, it was the complete opposite. Not only did I hate school, I resented it! I resented how much time it was taking away from my leisure. I despised how much time with my family had to be sacrificed. And most of all, I dreaded spending all of my energy tapping into the "deep thinking" section of my brain that was necessary to tackle some of those daunting assignments. It was one thing to be busy. But it's something altogether different when you're busy and stressed! But something really rewarding came from those two years of study. I learned the value of discipline, focus, and clarity.

As my first set of assignments rolled in at the beginning of that journey, I quickly realized how much these three things were going to be a necessity. If I didn't want to spend all of my days utterly frazzled, I knew I had to develop adopt and develop these three things very quickly. And that's exactly what happened. I started with clarity. I comprised a distinct schedule for all assignments which gave me clarity. Habakkuk 2:2-3 says, " Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." One thing I learned is that if you don't have a clear destination and route in mind when it's time to work, you will definitely move slower. It's almost impossible to run with a vision that has no clear direction or goals.

God mentioned "run". He knows the importance of taking swift action. When you lack clarity, you become faint in the sense that you lose temporary consciousness and brightness. The brilliance of an idea begins to dissipate when you don't move in the timing of it. There is a certain exacerbating energy surrounding an idea that happens during specific timing vortex of its birth. The illumination of fades when you don't "run" with it. Losing temporary consciousness slows you down and slow movement causes you to show up late. God is a God of timing. When He gives you the vision, He needs for you to start moving.

Today, I want you to get clear so that you can start moving. There are several ways to get clear on your moves.

  1. Write down your dream. Take time to journal the thing that really matters to you. This is the way you will be able to organize your thoughts. One mistake we make is trying to hoard our dreams in our minds. However, there are so many other things that enter your mind every second of the day that your dreams can often get buried in the crowd to be thought of less and less. So, journal that big dream.

  2. Break your big dream down into steps. Big dreams don't just happen all at once. Although we may see it as one big picture, it is actually pieces to a puzzle that must come together. The thing about a puzzle, though, is that the pieces are put in one at a time. This is the way we have to understand our dreams and life. You must add pieces to the picture. This is why it's important to have goals. The goals are the pieces. If you never break the picture down, you will always be stuck in the unrealized dream of it.

  3. Ask for help. Sometimes, other people can offer a fresh perspective. Ask people you trust to help you with your steps. Ecclesiastes 1:9 says that there is nothing new under the sun. There is always someone who has been where you are trying to go. Not only that, but many others have been successful in it. Reaching out to an expert or paying for coaching in the areas in which you need to improve for the sake of your dream will save you a lot of time because it will offer you the clarity and guidance you need.

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