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Numbered Days

So, now that we have been slapped back into reality about how short life is and given the wake-up call about how little time we do have, it's time to look at what we have left. This is usually the point where people begin to check out mentally because they start focusing on all of the time they wasted and think that it's pointless to even pick up or start. One of the biggest tricks of the enemy is to make people focus on the wrong thing. He knows that whatever we focus on is what will consume our energy. And if you are feeling sorry for yourself or dedicated to feeling an overwhelming sense of regret over the past, you won't have much energy for planning a better future. And although time is continuously fleeting, it does not stop the fact that you still have an expected end to reach and a journey to continue. Just because things have not gone as planned and you need to alter your route, the fact still remains that you have a destination to reach. One thing I know for sure is that you can't move forward if your focus is on what's behind you.

What I also know is the thing that makes looking forward so daunting is the fact that most people do not have a plan. Your dream is often pretty clear. You probably think about the things you would like to do when you're driving, showering, or even sleeping. So, knowing what you want is not the problem. The problem is the fact that you don't know how to get there. Not knowing the who, what, when, why, where, or how is the part of the vision that shuts us down. The good news is that you have a combination of tactics that can be used to help you fight your anxiety over the journey to your dream. You have air strikes, and you have ground strikes.

Air strikes are the prayers you pray for God's divine guidance and favor. Air strikes is what God does for you in the heavens. All you have to do is ask for it. Matthew 18:18 tells us that the things that we loose and bind on earth will be loosed and bound in heaven. The good news is that God is on the same time as you. The only difference regarding the fight is that you both fight in different realms. He takes care of the things that you cannot control, while you handle the things that you can. Another good thing to remember is that, even though He has given you a glimpse of your future possibilities through your dreams, He actually knows what the end looks like. This is why your prayers are so important. Your prayers and obedience maximize the air strikes. And God knows exactly what needs to be done in the heavens.

The things on earth will require your mental, emotional, and physical ability and strength. These are your ground strikes. The ground strike requires a plan. And this is where the idea of numbering your days plays a part. I took a couple of the definitions of the verb "number" and comprised a working definition for this post. To number means to categorize and assign. When we number or days, we are essentially putting all of the tasks we must complete in categories of importance and assigning them to a day and time. It's what we call a plan. Planning the work and working the plan is what keeps us from being overwhelmed and anxious about achieving the dream. While the King James Version says, "Teach us to number or days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom", the Contemporary English Version says, "Teach us to use wisely all the time we have".


  1. Snap out of it! You may have lost some time. It's quite possible that you have mismanaged months or even years. I have a friend who kicks himself a lot because he made a mistake that landed him in prison. That prison sentence took a whole decade of his life. Now, he spends his time whining about how behind he is financially and how he encounters so many present struggles because of his past mistakes. The issue is that his focus is on the past so much so that he sees no hope and has no passion for the future. Truth of the matter is that if God does not see fit to call him home soon, he may very well live long into his 80's or even 90's. That's 30-40 more years of the future that he will have no plan for if he doesn't snap out of his regret of the past and start shifting his mind forward. Just imagine getting to the age of 85 and feeling even worse because you let another 35 years go by without working a plan or planning to work. I'm saying the same thing to you. Snap out of! Let's stop focusing on the time you lost and look at working with the time you have left.

  2. Categorize and assign your days. This is what will require some thought and time. But

  1. Next week, we will dive into the practicalities of a daily plan. However, it's a good idea to start jotting down some of the things that you will need to do to actualize this dream God gave you. What will you need to get started? What are some things you can do each day to move the needle closer to the goal? What are some resources that you may need to acquire? And once some important questions are answered, you can begin to make plans to work on those things.

  2. Pray and obey. We know how to pray and ask God for things. But why is it that when He gives us instructions or tasks, we drag our feet? The best way to experience quantum leaps that will help you redeem the time you mismanaged and lost is to obey quickly and quietly. In other words, talk to Him about it. And when He talks back, take heed speedily.

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This is on point and on time. What I been doing➡️ 📒🖊️

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Hey!!! I have been doing a lot of reflecting. I realize that I have a whole lot of work to do!

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